Most Chicagoans don't look forward to November, especially in the middle of January, but it is election year and that changes things for some. What better way to show a candidate's dedication and body temperature at the same time, but to shoot a scene for their latest spot on top of a roof? Remove the sun, add a breeze off the near frozen lake and the conditions become perfect for wind burn and a seamless performance. Justin Oberman is a Democrat running for Illinois State Treasurer, he and his team are burning it with one last push before the February primaries and we were happy to help out with their latest spot. On camera we have DP Jon Ellison, assisted by Joe Hoffman. The commercial is running in numerous markets at the end of January: Chicago, Northern, Central and Downstate Illinois.
It doesn't matter which party you support, where we come from, you vote for the guy standing on a rooftop in Chicago, in January, wearing nothing but a suit and a smile. If you read this and vote, you are not only more American than anyone else who doesn't, but you make us want to hang out. Look for us punching the ballot on February 4th, we'll be the ones voting.
It doesn't matter which party you support, where we come from, you vote for the guy standing on a rooftop in Chicago, in January, wearing nothing but a suit and a smile. If you read this and vote, you are not only more American than anyone else who doesn't, but you make us want to hang out. Look for us punching the ballot on February 4th, we'll be the ones voting.