Things are kicking along here at Con HQ. We are currently shooting a spot for GE in Rio De Janeiro (Jon won the toss to go down there, sealing the deal with his rendition of Girl from Ipanema, while ice dancing on carpet). Next stop, an equally exotic location, Atlanta, GA for the start of our 6 city tour for Life Fitness and their "Hammer Strength" training clinics. This DVD series will focus on the latest equipment and strength training techniques from major college and high school trainers, I should probably start working out.
Though March does show signs of life here in Chicago, we are headed down to Miami to shoot 2 spots for our favorite retailer, Belk. Keep your sensors peeled for a couple jaw-dropping Mother and Father's day spots (not rolled into one, but separate) coming to the airwaves starting in late April through June. If that wasn't enough, we just wrapped up shooting on another episode of Almost Pimps, watch for details here or continually check our site or Vimeo page: vimeo.com/concentrated
If you don't see it in the next couple of weeks, keep hitting the refresh button, it will eventually appear. This will also give you a chance to watch episode 1: "The Waitress," you don't want to fall behind now: www.vimeo.com/9555855
There is so much in the hopper, remove all your social media ticks and just bookmark us for 2010, more stamp film, more Garage Gourmet, more and more entertainment that will blow your mind.